NICHE MIS Enhancement Project
June 2023
Business Case:
NICHE, Nutrition Improvement through Cash and Health Education is a program that integrates nutrition, social and child protection into existing cash transfer programs to foster resilience and improve well-being among households living in poverty, with the ultimate objective of improving the nutritional status and the general welfare of vulnerable children. NICHE is a component of the larger Kenya Social Economic Inclusion Programme, KSEIP.
Currently the program is being implemented in 5 ASAL counties of Kitui, Kilifi, Marsabit, Turkana and West Pokot. The program is coordinated by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection through the Directorate of Children Services, DCS and implemented collaboratively by the 5 County Governments, the Ministry of Health and the National Drought Management Agency, NDMA with technical assistance provided by UNICEF. The program targets the Hunger Safety Net Program HSNP beneficiary households with a child under two years or a pregnant or lactating woman, and provides them with a cash top-up, intensive nutrition counselling through the Baby-Friendly Community Initiative and positive parenting trainings with a focus on foster families.
Currently there is a functional NICHE MIS System in place to automate the core program functions of NICHE and to provide monitoring, quality assurance and reporting capabilities. However, there is a need to make key enhancements to the NICHE MIS System to conform to the current operational capacity of the NICHE programme. The NICHE MIS enhancement project aims to make key system modifications and improvements to the current NICHE MIS System to enhance operational efficiencies.
The NICHE stakeholders have identified a total of twenty four(24) system requirements specifications for the NICHE MIS Enhancements key being the design, development and implementation of the NICHE Monitoring & Evaluation and Financial Management Module, integration with external HSNP and CCTPMIS Systems, mapping and integration of new administration units and harmonization of Case Management Modules between the HSNP and CCTP MIS Systems.
Our Approach:
The EITI Team in collaboration with UNICEF and the Directorate of Children Services, DCS under the Ministry of Social Protection Services stakeholders will adopt an Agile System Development Methodology to ensure a fully enhanced and optimal NICHE MIS System.
The Key outcomes will be the delivery to the Directorate of Children Services DCS under the Kenya Ministry of Social Protection Services a fully functional and upgraded NICHE MIS System.